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7 Year Olds’ Dreams for 7 Generations 

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is a planetary Initiative on the

One Home Journey: 7 Years for 7 Generations,

to showcase the future desired by children

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from diverse contexts, across all countries, and continents.

The children’s voices and visions are a profound inspiration

to reimagine our shared future


and a poignant call to action

to transform our divided world and endangered planet

into an inclusive and regenerative Home for all children on Earth.

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Can we imagine
what 7 year old children experience today, across all the diverse cultures
on our home planet?


Can we picture the future 7 year old children desire today, in every country on Earth?


Can we visualise 7 year old children’s dreams
for the world
they wish for everyone,
in 7 generations?

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What are we willing
to do to fulfill
our children’s dreams,
and create the future
every child
on Earth deserves?

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In this planetary initiative, we will witness the dreams of children in every country
on earth, across diverse cultures, and disparate circumstances – whether living
in poverty or plenty, droughts or floods, war or peace.

333 million children in the world are living in extreme poverty. (UNICEF)

468 million children are affected by war and conflict. (Save the Children & PRIO)

1 billion children are at “extremely high risk” from the impacts of climate change.

(UN Children’s Climate Risk Index)

Our children’s dreams are the ultimate call to action for all of us to do everything we can to transform our divided world and endangered planet into an inclusive and peaceful HOME that fulfills the dreams of all children, in every country on Earth – starting now!

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7 Year Olds’ Dreams - in Schools that Nurture Dreams: 

As we travel country to country and home to home on the One Home Journeyof 7 Years
for 7 Generations, our local partners in each country will identify schools that nurture
their students’ purpose passion and potential, and encourage their students to cultivate
their visions and dreams and become caring and conscious Earth citizens. In each country we will visit such schools and engage creatively with school children, especially 7-year-olds. We will share with them the unfolding story of our collective future-building expedition
to every country on Earth  - the One Home Journey of 7 years for 7 Generations. 

7-year-old children will be invited to voice their visions for the future and to express
them through drawings and paintings. Children will have utmost liberty to express themselves freely and creatively. 

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Reimagining and Reshaping our Future - through the Visions and Voices of 7 Years olds! Annual Digital and Physical Exhibition and Art Book: 


Every year as the One Home Journey travels to 28-30 countries across all world regions, we shall harvest a cornucopia of messages and images by 7 year old children spanning every part of the world: from Africa, Asia and Oceania, the Americas, the Arab World and Europe. These will be curated in an online and physical art book, and also be shared in a digital exhibition and shared in onsite exhibitions in different locations. 

At this time of unprecedented turmoil and transition, as we witness the words and images, and hear the voices of these 7 year old children living in such diverse cultures and geographies, and experiencing such different circumstances and contexts, we shall begin to see the world anew through their eyes. 

7 year old children around the world will give us the impetus we now need to fulfil their dreams and to reimagine our world and re-shape our future

Are you ready to meet the first group of 7 year olds in rural Egypt, and witness their dreams?

The SEKEM School in Bilbeis, Egypt, rooted in SEKEM's integral human development approach, fosters the social, cultural and educational development of each child.


This timely and poignant planetary initiative needs your generous support!
Make your Contribution to our
Gifting Culture to fulfill the 7 Year Olds’ Dreams for 7 Generations 

Everyone is Welcome to Participate in or Support 7 Year Olds' Dreams!

Join the 'One Home Journey: 7 Years for 7 Generations'  
Become a member of the Home for Humanity Movement
for Planetary Regeneration

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All Schools are Welcome to Participate, anytime and anywhere: While the One Home Journey will spotlight 7 year olds’ dreams one school and one country at a time as it moves around the Earth, every school everywhere is welcome to join the One Home Journey
at any time and to share the dreams of their 7 year old students!

Solidarity and Support: Schools and school children who participate in the '7 Year Olds' Dreams for 7 Generations Planetary Initiative', can also show their solidarity with children
in every part of the world, particularly with those living in crisis-affected contexts. Schools are warmly invited to make a voluntary collection from their students to offer a solidarity gift to support the realisation of this '7 Year Olds' Dreams for 7 Generations Planetary Initiative', and to enable the One Home Journey to fulfil our children's dreams
for our shared future. In this way,

All participating schools can become Homes for Humanity. Each school is invited to share its innovative pedagogy and cultural contribution to transformative life-based education. Each school demonstrates how, in unique and culturally rooted ways, it nurtures students’ potential, community wellbeing, cultural renewal and planetary regeneration. These schools join the One Home Journey and are featured in the One Home UnivEARTHsity’s Integral Earth Curriculum. 

Benefits: Participating schools are connected with other exemplary schools and universities worldwide as well as diverse other pioneering and paradigm shifting organisations and movements that are Homes for Humanity. Schools benefit from the global recognition they receive, from the connection to other pioneers, and the cross fertilization of ideas and approaches with innovators worldwide.

Connected across borders and continents, schools become a collective catalytic force
for future building.


Outstanding Schools Worldwide that are Homes for Humanity

The Homes for Humanity Movement includes and champions outstanding schools across
diverse cultures and contexts on all continents that are transforming education
to nurture their students’ dreams, and creating an inclusive
and regenerative future for the next 7 generations.

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Tibetan Children’s Village (TCV) School

Dedicated to ‘Others before Self’, founded by H.H. the Dalai Lama,
in Dharamsala, India

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STAR School

Dedicated to ‘Service to All Relations’,
for Navajo and First Nation children, Arizona, USA


Ahliyyah Mutran School

Dedicated to enlightened humanism,
in Amman, Jordan.


SEKEM School

Dedicated to integral human development, Bilbeis, Egypt

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Interested in Participating in this Initiative?

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