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How to become a Home for Humanity

Honouring Your Organisation

as a  Home for Humanity

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We honour (you and) your organisation as a Home for Humanity, in recognition of your innovative contribution to your community  and to our shared future on Earth. Your vision, mission and impact embody unity and nurture a future based on a whole-world view.

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Rooted in local context/culture, it fosters personal, local and planetary regeneration through the simultaneous activation of the three levels of home:

  • Inner Home: it enables people to find meaning and fulfil purpose in service to community and society.

  • Local Home: it renews community and culture through integral purpose-based initiatives/livelihoods.

  • Earth Home: connected across continents, it fuels systems change and collectively co-creates ‘home on Earth’.

In every country, there are initiatives, communities and organisations which embody this, and which we recognize as Homes for Humanity, which can inspire many others. All Earth citizens have the power to initiate a Home for Humanity, based on their unique purpose and potential, starting from their own homes or communities, to contribute to the wellbeing of all.

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Home for Humanity is a movement of changemakers of diverse cultures, backgrounds and ages across all continents who feel called, in this time of profound suffering and systemic breakdown, to devote ourselves to the co-creation of ‘an inclusive, regenerative, just and joyful Earth Culture for all life’.


Our movement is based on the premise that every single individual, whatever their circumstances and context, has a vital role to play in co-creating a better future, and making our Earth a true ‘home’ again for all life. As the Home for Humanity movement, we share a collective vision grounded in the unity and wholeness of life, expressed in the Unity Charter.

With our integral approach, we pursue, interactively, the regeneration of nature, renewal of culture, transformation of education, systems change and humanity-in-unity. We are driven by our collective commitment to transform our divided world into a united home for humanity and all life, person by person, and home by home.

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     of Being a Home for Humanity

  • Your unique story, approach and impact are showcased as a global role model to inspire aspiring future-builders in all countries on earth, through the One Home Journey.

  • Your innovative approach to transformation and future building is shared, amplified and adapted by others, to accelerate your vision and our collective aspiration for the future.

  • You are invited into the Home for Humanity community, and connected to pathbreaking pioneers and organisations on all continents for mutual support, collaboration and co-creation, to accelerate your vision and mission.

  • Your distinctive local, cultural, and contextual wisdom, innovation, experience and expertise are honoured and disseminated through the Living Earth Curriculum, co-created through the One Home Journey.

  • Your inspiring organisation is recognised as an integral part of the Earth Campus of interconnected Homes for Humanity on all continents, constituting together the One Home UnivEarthsity. You receive access to all the UnivEarthsity’s co-learning journeys, and to disseminate the weekly broadcasts from each country, to your community.

  • You contribute to exponential transformation: as we connect and spread each of our innovative approaches across all sectors, and as we inspire and catalyse aspiring future-builders everywhere to shape their own transformative Home for Humanity initiatives, we accelerate paradigm shift and systems change exponentially.

Together, as interconnected mutually supportive collaborative Homes for Humanity organisations, we can rapidly transform our divided world into a united home for all life, and ensure a future co-created by all people of all cultures and backgrounds for the greatest well-being of all.

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Make an invaluable contribution to our shared vision of ‘co-creating home on earth’,
through the collective One Home Journey 2024-2030.

For example, you could:

  • Showcase your unique story, ongoing work, innovative approach and impact on our platform and in our co-created Earth Curriculum, to inspire and guide future-builders.

  • Help to identify and select highly committed candidates (youth and women) from diverse marginalised backgrounds, in your country, to receive UnivEarthsity scholarships, and fulfill their potential as integral leaders who initiate their own purpose-based Homes for Humanity, create purpose-based livelihoods, and mentor others in their community.

  • Disseminate and broadcast the weekly country broadcasts of the One Home Journey and the One Home UnivEARTHsity co-learning journeys with your communities.

  • Play a supportive, active or leading role (according to your availability) in shaping the One Home Journey’s one week immersion programme in your country, to enable ‘Earth Citizens’ everywhere on Earth to discover your work, and the unique cultural, ecological wealth and highest potential of your country as a whole for our shared future.

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Your Inspirational Video

As we welcome you as a Home for Humanity, we wish to announce this through our communication channels and feature you and your organisation on our digital platform.

We invite you to record a 5-7 minute, high quality video with your colleagues that showcases in your own original, authentic, creative way, your story, work, impact and vision. This may include:

- The origin story of your organisation/initiative

- Your innovative philosophy and your whole-life approach and integral model depicting all dimensions affecting: humanity, nature, culture, education, systems… (following the Humanity Charter)

- Your impact and contribution, personally, locally, globally (to inner, local and Earth home)

- What it means to you and your vision/mission to join the Home for Humanity movement

Please illustrate with live photos or live videos, bringing to life your local, cultural and geographical culture and the key points you communicate.


And, to catalyse our exponential potential in the 7-year One Home Journey:

- What is your optimal 7 year vision for the Earth, our One Home, in 2030?

- What is your organisation’s 7 year commitment and envisioned or intended impact to fulfil this vision - and how would that benefit the next 7 generations of life on Earth?


As the video is ready to be launched, we’ll set a date and coordinate to jointly launch

your organisation as a Home for Humanity in our respective channels and communities.

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about the Home for Humanity Movement and One Home Journey:

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Together with

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Prof. Alexander Schieffer & Dr. Rama Mani

Co-Founders, Home for Humanity

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Prof. Dr. Jean Houston, Founder of Social Artistry

and Chancellor of Meridian University

Dr. Youssef Mahmoud, Former United Nations Under Secretary-General

Co-Chairs, Home for Humanity

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