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Autumn River Leaves

Co-Creating an Inclusive and  Regenerative Future for the Next Seven Generations

The One Home UnivEARTHsity 

responds to Humanity’s quest

for an inclusive and regenerative future that serves all life.

The uniquely mobile, place-based and virtual One Home UnivEARTHsity is built up on the go,

as the “One Home Journey 2024-2030 - 7 Years for 7 Generations”

travels to every country on Earth.


Guided by Homes for Humanity hosts and local partners,

participants explore the central quest of the One Home Journey and One Home UnivEARTHsity,

in creative interactions with fellow Earth Citizens of all ages and backgrounds:

"How can we transform our divided world and endangered planet

into an inclusive and regenerative HOME for the diverse family of life on Earth

for present and future generations?”

“How can we live in unity, peace and wellbeing with ourselves ('inner home'),

with each other, across all cultures ('local homes') and with all of life ('Earth home')?”

In every country there are “living answers” to this quest.

The One Home Journey and the One Home UnivEARTHsity

shine light on a few exemplary people, places and practices that inspire and support us

to transform the poly-crises we face on Earth and create a regenerative future.

The One Home UnivEARTHsity invites participants on an inner journey 

of self-discovery and an outer journey of creation, connecting with Earth citizens 

across cultures and geographies.

Together, we build capacity, courage, and creativity in the face of change, connecting as Earth Citizens across continents in mutual support and co-creation.

 Welcoming you

to the One Home UnivEARTHsity

The One Home UnivEARTHsity offers liberating, whole-person and whole-Earth based  

virtual transformative co-learning Earth Journeys for aspiring future builders

to fulfill their purpose and potential, renew their communities and regenerate our Home Planet.

Our virtual Earth Journeys are open to all, regardless of age, background, or academic qualifications. They empower participants

to become integral leaders, innovate purpose-based initiatives, and pioneer future-building for the common good.

The One Home UnivEARTHsity accelerates the emergence of an economy of well-being,

and the paradigm shift towards life-based systems across all sectors of society.

Join the One Home UnivEARTHsity from your mobile phone

Download the One Home UnivEARTHsity APP:

Aerial View of Curved Road


          ON THE


The One Home UnivEARTHsity for regenerative future building is a unique mobile

and place-based co-learning, co-innovation and co-impact forum that is co-created,

on-the-go, by Homes for Humanity and Earth Citizens on all 195 countries on Earth,

as the One Home Journey 2024-2030 unfolds. As it travels, on the road, country to country

and home to home,  it interconnects established and emerging Homes for Humanity

into one local-global Earth Campus for Future Building.

The One Home UnivEARTHsity is not a conventional university as we know it.

It is a transformative and liberating planetary knowledge-creation and impact-generating space for inclusive future building, which invites all concerned Earth Citizens to co-create, purpose-based initiatives and livelihoods

to regenerate themselves, their communities, and our Earth, in life-affirming ways.

Empower Growth

Bees at Work

The One Home UnivEARTHsity is free and accessible to all.

It operates on a non-profit basis as a Gift Economy for Shared Abundance.

Participants with economic means are invited to offer finanical gifts

to cover the minimized operational cost of the One Home UnivEARTHsity.


Gifts also enable highly motivated  participants to receive our

Youth for the Future and Women for the Earth fellowships.


A suggested Gift Fee is indicated for every programme.

Participants and Wellwishes are free to offer this amount or more

as co-creators of this collectively built One Home UnivEARTHsity for our shared future-


The One Home UnivEARTHsity nurtures a gifting culture based on trust

in the innate generosity and sharing nature of humanity.


Every GIFT builds our shared Home on Earth - in unity and kinship with all Life!


The One Home UnivEARTHsity’s gifting economy is grounded in Home for Humanity movement’s longstanding gifting culture, and in the practical experience and success of local economies

innovated by  several Homes for Humanity worldwide

(e.g. Sekem’s Economy of Love; Integral Kumusha’s Nhakanomics; Pax Herbals’ Communalism and many more)


The One Home UnivEARTHsity thereby accelerates economies of wellbeing for all life on Earth.

Transformative Virtual Co-Learning Earth Journeys

Transformed ‘Degrees and Diplomas’ that Transform our World


Instead of conventional and usually static academic courses, the One Home UnivEARTHsity’s transformative education is offered in the form of ‘Co-Learning Earth Journeys’ where participants travel virtually to diverse countries across the Earth to learn directly from wisdom carriers, pioneering future builders and peers.


These Co-Learning Journeys are offered online by the One Home UnivEarthsity to everyone, regardless of age and academic background, as the One Home Journey travels around the Earth. 

This form of transformative, liberating and whole-life-based education fosters Earth Wisdom, honouring our diverse cultures and geographies. It catalyses Integral Leadership skills to innovate purpose-based Home for Humanity Initiatives for collective wellbeing. 
The Co-Learning Journeys draw on the Integral Earth Curriculum and develop co-learners’ capacity for Co-Creating Regenerative Livelihoods; Earth Stewardship, Earth Artistry, Earth Wisdom, and Earth Citizenship. All Co-Learning Journeys are based on self-responsible, collective, and peer-mentored learning, and geared towards impact.


Participants work from/out of their own homes – and ideally, from the start, involve other members of their community – meeting together in one of their homes to follow the virtual sessions and co-learn, co-innovate and co-create their integral future-building initiatives throughout. The One Home UnivEARTHsity programmes emphasize “collective well-being” and the “Power of Seven”; hence, ideally, each participant inspires/engages

6 others in her/his community. In this way, the impact and benefit is collective and exponential.


A 12-week Virtual Transformative Co-Learning Journey building Earth Citizenship,  covering 1 Season of the One Home Journey, engaging with 6 to 8 Countries.

Instead of a standard ‘Certificate’, you receive a ‘CEARTHificate’ to accompany your journey into Earth Citizenship. This journey grounds you in the diversity of ecologies, cultures, ways of life, innovations and co-creations for our shared future across a single geographic region. It ignites your innate capacity to live and act as an Earth citizen. It connects you, in this journey of co-discovery and collaboration, with other Earth Citizens worldwide.


A 12 month virtual co-learning journey, traveling once around the entire Earth to approx. 30 countries, spread across 4 world regions, unleashing the power of your own home for personal, local

and planetary regeneration.

While the conventional ‘M.A. Master of Arts Degree’, stands for Mastery over a specific area of study, this transformed ‘M.E. Mother Earth Dipl-Home’ leads you on a journey of discovery of the interconnected wholeness and underlying unity of life on Earth, our shared home. Country by country, you discover the Indigenous, ecological, cultural, artistic, scientific, educational, and systemic wisdom, innovations and contributions of each society for a future of well-being and unity.

You unfold your inherent capacities as an integral future builder, inspired by the innovations in each country.

You nurture a deep sense of connection to all fellow beings and all forms of life on Earth, 

You unleash the power of your own home for personal, local and planetary regeneration.

Over 12 months of co-learning and co-creation, traveling virtually to about 30 countries, you develop:

  • Your Inner Home: as you tap into your unique purpose and enhance your Integral Leadership capacity.

  • Your Local Home: as you innovate your future-building initiative based on your purpose and passion, located in and serving your own home or community where you live and work. This initiative might be recognised as a potential ‘home for humanity’ as it creates belonging, fosters meaningful and regenerative livelihoods, and serves your community; and, finally

  • Our shared ‘Earth Home’: as your initiative is grounded in your understanding of your interconnectedness with all life, and belonging to the Earth Community, it contributes to regenerating the Earth. As your initiative connects to fellow co-learners and future builders across borders on all continents, in mutual support, collaboration, and co-creation, your individual and collective impact is multiplied exponentially to accelerate and amplify the well-being of all life on our one Home, Earth.


A 36 month transformative virtual co-learning journey to approx. 100 countries across all world regions to build up/evolve your own transformation journey and purpose-based initiative with societal impact and planetary outreach.

The conventional academic ‘PhD or Philosophiae Doctor accessible to only few advanced university students is transformed into the Earth PHD - Planetary Healing Dipl-Home, accessible to all motivated Earth Citizens.

This PHD builds on the ME Dipl-Home, taking the learning and co-creation to greater heights and depths.

The PHD strengthens the core of your integral leadership at all levels, as you deepen your understanding of the integral wholeness and interconnectedness of life, by traveling virtually to about 90 countries.

As you learn how diverse societies and peoples around the Earth are responding innovatively to crises and challenges, reshaping knowledge, education and systems, pioneering paradigm-shifting Home for Humanity Initiatives and building regenerative futures, you will continuously adapt and apply this learning to your own transformation journey and purpose-based initiative.

The Earth PHD takes you on both the expanded outer journey, country by country, as well as through your own intensified inner journey of transformation and manifestation:


  • Inner Home: Transforming yourself, as a self-aware, caring, and inspiring integral leader

  • Local Home: Transforming your community and country

  • Our one shared Earth Home: Transforming our world 


As part of the Homes for Humanity movement, you expand impact with pioneering future builders.




Learn about the Power of SEVEN

Education is not for personal development alone but for individual,

collective, and planetary well-being. We invite you to join together with friends,

colleagues, and family, as a joint ‘transformation eco-system’ of up to 7,

to co-voyage the Earth from your own home! Together as 7, you co-learn, co-create, connect

with peers worldwide, and multiply the benefit – for yourselves, your community, and the Earth.

On graduation, you are invited to invite seven new participants to join for the next year,

from your own community and worldwide, to progressively amplify the outreach and benefit

of the One Home UnivEARTHsity. 

​​The Exponential power of 7 is a purposeful innovation of the One Home UnivEARTHsity

to transform the prevalent competitive nature of education, and of degrees for individual benefit and advancement into one of shared, mutually-supportive co-learning,

co-innovation and co-creation for personal, collective and planetary well-being.

The Stars


The Integral Earth Curriculum is co-created country by country, and home to home, showcasing our cultural and geographic diversity. It co-curates integral wisdom and knowledge from all countries, mirroring

the diversity, unity and wholeness of life – covering nature, culture, knowledge, and systems change.

The Curriculum showcases and catalyses the power of home for personal, local and planetary regeneration:

from inner home to local home to Earth home. Knowledge is regarded as “alive”, evolving and co-created.

The Integral Earth Curriculum is shared as a Global Knowledge Commons, freely accessible to all.

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The One Home UnivEARTHsity is stewarded by its two co-initiators, Prof. Alexander Schieffer and Dr. Rama Mani. They have undertaken the 7 year commitment of the One Home Journey, to move on the ground,

home to home, to every country on Earth. Building on their decades of experience in transformative education

and pioneering future-building, they will serve as the Lead Catalysts and Guides, championing, catalysing

and connecting Earth Citizens worldwide, to build up collectively the One Home UnivEARTHsity.

In each country, the programme and content is co-shaped by highly respected local hosts, comprising pioneering founders of Homes for Humanity and wisdom carriers. Responding to the central question and integral quest of the One Home UnivEARTHsity, they guide which wisdom, knowledge and pioneering experiences from their country will be shared with all participants and with the world.

Old World Map


Co-Founders of One Home UnivEARTHsity

Principal Catalysts and Guides for the Co-Learning Earth Journeys


Prof. Alexander Schieffer

Co-Founder Home for Humanity and
Trans4m Academy for Integral Transformation

Germany/France – Europe


Dr. Rama Mani

Co-Founder Home for Humanity;
Founder Oxford Enacting Global Transformation
and Theatre of Transformation Academy

India/France – Asia

Co-Chairs and Principal Mentors


Prof. Jean Houston

Co-Founder, Human Potential Movement;
Founder, Social Artistry; Chancellor Meridian University

USA – Americas


Dr. Youssef Mahmoud

Former UN Under Secretary-General;

Former Head of UN Peace Operations

Tunisia - Africa

Transcontinental Guides and Lead Country Catalysts

Dr. Daud Taranhike

Co-Founder, Integral Kumusha and

Nhakanomics Transformation and Research Academy

Zimbabwe - Africa


Helmy Abouleish

CEO, Sekem and Heliopolis University

for Sustainable Development

Egypt – Middle East


Dr. Anselm Adodo

Founder, Pax Herbals and
Pax Africana Integral Research Academy

Nigeria – Africa


Prof. emer. Driss Alaoui Mdhagri

Former Minister; former Director

ISCAE Institute Supérieur de Commerce

Morocco – Africa


Zahira Kamal

Former Minister for Women’s Affairs;

former Physics Professor for UNRWA

Palestine – Middle East


Dr. Sujata Khandekar

Co-Founder, CORO and Atta Deep

Academy for Grassroots Leadership

India – Asia


Thais Corral

Founder, Sinal do Vale / Member of the Advisory Council

of UN Decade for Ecosystem Restoration

Brazil – Americas


Dr. Eda Elif Tibet

Anthropologist, Filmmaker / Wyss Academy for Nature

Turkey/Switzerland – Europe


Dr. Vinya Ariyaratne

President, Sarvodaya and Sarvodaya Institute for Higher Learning / Public Health Expert and Peace Negotiator

Sri Lanka – Asia


Prof. Nilima Bhat

Founder, Shakti Leadership – Global Women Empowerment

Distinguished Professor, Tec Monterrey, Mexico

India/Mexico – Asia Americas

Prof. Irena Ateljevic

Founder, Terra Meera

Co-Founder, Regenerate Erope

Croatia - Europe


Dr. Meera Sethi

Former Special Envoy to India; Country Head; UN/IOM

International Migration Expert

India – Asia

Dr. Maximilian Abouleish-Boes

Managing Director, Loheland Foundation;

former Chief Sustainability Manager of Sekem in Egypt

Germany - Europe

Many Books


The One Home UnivEARTHsity's degrees

(DiplHomes and CEarthificates) are co-acknowledged by

pioneering Universities, Academies,

and Home for Humanity organisations on all continents,

all jointly committed to build a regenerative future.

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Group Travel

 Enrol in the One Home UnivEARTHsity:

A Message by Co-Initiators Prof. Alexander Schieffer & Dr. Rama Mani

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The Unique Contribution of the One Home UnivEARTHsity
by Dr. Youssef Mahmoud, former United Nations UnderSecretary General, Tunisia

All Hands In

Future Builders from all Generations 


The One Home UnivEARTHsity is for EVERYONE!

Here are some categories of people who might feel called to join:

1 - Aspiring and emerging Innovators and Social Artists

social, ecological, cultural, educational innovators and social artists

who (have already or) wish to pioneer paradigm-shifting initiatives

2 - Fresh University Graduates

looking for a meaningful transition, internship, or gap-year experience

that will prepare them for a purposeful future

3 - Motivated Youth

who cannot find meaningful work corresponding to their purpose and skills

but feel ready to create purpose-based livelihoods and future-building initiatives

within a community of support

4 - Women and Mothers of all Ages

who feel called to overcome patterns of gender inequality or oppression and create a new paradigm

of gender equity for the next generations by fulfilling their passion and purpose in partnership

with other women and men worldwide

5 - Pioneering Parents

who want to actively build a better future for and with their children

6 - Recently Retired or soon to retire People

across all sectors and backgrounds who feel motivated to devote their life-long expertise,

experience and energy to shape the future together with others

7 - Grandparents and Elderly People

who feel gravely concerned about the world, and wish to lend their wisdom and insights to be connected

with others across generations and cultures to support and co-create the future

This suggestive list is far from exclusive …

EVERY ONE concerned about the present

and motivated to shape the future is welcome!

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NEW DESIGNS _ Muzie (1)_edited.png
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Helping Hands

Join the One Home UnivEARTHsity

from your mobile phone

Download the One Home UnivEARTHsity APP:

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