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22 June 2023: The One Home Journey Shared at World Unity Week


Updated: Jul 19, 2023

Home for Humanity presented the One Home Journey as an exponential ripple of transformation – Seven Years for Seven Generations.

World Unity Week, a globally acknowledged 8-day online event, “where global changemakers come together to connect, celebrate and advance the emerging good unfolding in the world”, invited Home for Humanity to share the “One Home Journey - A collective expedition of Humanity in Unity to co-create Home on Earth”

Together with Home for Humanity’s Co-Chair Dr. Youssef Mahmoud (Tunisia), core Team Members Paulina Jantos (Germany) and Muziwanele Ngwenya (Zimbabwe), the Co-Founders Prof. Alexander Schieffer and Dr. Rama Mani introduced the groundbreaking “One Home Journey”.

In his invigorating opening speech, Youssef Mahmoud highlighted the importance of shifting the paradigm from United ‘Nations’ to United ‘Homes’ and ‘Earth Citizens’ across all boarders, caring for all life and fellow kin. Drawing on his decades of experience as a UN leader and former Under Secretary-General, Youssef Mahmoud emphasised the power of Home for Humanity as a planetary movement to contribute to an inclusive, regenerative, just, peaceful and joyful future and Earth Culture for all.

Following the call of Unity Earth, Home for Humanity launched its own 99 Day Challenge with the intention to jumpstart the One Home Journey. Introducing ways to individually and collectively contribute to our common vision, Muziwanele invited people everywhere, from all cultures and walks of life, from all generations and backgrounds, to join the One Home Journey. As caring and concerned Earth Citizens, we can start from our own homes, as supporters and endorsers, to pioneer transformation for planetary regeneration - by participating in the collective 99 Day Challenge.

Emphasising, that this common vision of a regenerative future cannot be manifested by one single person or nation, Paulina emphasised the importance of collective local-global leadership. By empowering local communities and opening global multicultural dialogues, we can together shift the paradigm from competition and consumption to co-creation and collaboration.

The planetary Home for Humanity Movement acts as exponential ripple of transformation, to eventually realise true systems change over the next 7 years for the coming 7 generations as well all connect from home to home, culture to culture: from our Inner Homes and Local Homes to our shared Earth Home.

Exemplary Homes for Humanity worldwide are pioneering Planetary Regeneration across Sectors, Cultures and Continents. Click here to find out more about what it means to be a Home for Humanity, who are the exemplary Homes for Humanity and how to become one.

Speaking from his heart, Team Member, Multimedia Artist and Young Pioneer Muziwanele eloquently shared his own process of manifesting his vision and shaping his commitment, most recently through the creation of a transformative video manifesto, contributing to ‘Healing Across Borders’, in collaboration with Home for Humanity and Spirit of Humanity Forum.

The participants were invited to unleash their imagination and access their highest vision for the earth in 2030 and reflect their respective commitment at the level of Inner Home, Local Home and Earth Home to realise this vision. Some participants shared their 7-year-visions and Alexander conclusively performed a poem that harvested the collective intelligence of the gathering.

Finally all speakers shared their generational perspective and personal commitment to the One Home Journey, evoking what the world would be like by 2030 if we all engage in actively co-creating Home on Earth.

Pops Mohamed could unfortunately not be with us on this day, but generously contributed his song “A Tribute to the World” for the One Home Journey.

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