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9 June 2023: Home for Humanity and IRDO International Conference on Women Co-Creating Home on Earth.


Updated: Jul 7, 2023

The 18th IRDO International Conference focused on INNOVATIVE SUSTAINABILITY and SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY that echoes Empowering Societies, the Environment, and an Economy of Sustainability for all life. This was represented and supported by an Integral, Diverse, Transformative, and Transgenerational Culminating panel of Societal Women Leaders and Innovators, side by side with their future leaders spanning across continents from Africa, the Americas, Asia, the Middle East, and Europe. Moderated by Home for Humanity’s Co-Founder, Prof. Alexander Schieffer.

Prof. Alexander Schieffer, Co-Founder, Home for Humanity

“Action for a more innovative, sustainable, and socially responsible society is urgent”. This was the central theme of the 18th IRDO conference held virtually on 9th June 2023. One of the integral and transformative panels at this international conference was WOMEN CO-CREATING HOME ON EARTH by the Home for Humanity Movement for Planetary Regeneration. The panel featured Women Societal Innovators from all Continents.


Why only women? The age-old gender disparity should not play up in 2023 one would imagine. With equality and gender rights becoming topics of conversations in many sections of society, what was the reason to choose a panel of women to share their unique integral approach to social innovation and regeneration? The answers to this question are manifold and perhaps deserve another blog post that takes on neo patriarchy and the very necessary and imperative role of women as social changemakers.

At the heart of the Home for Humanity initiative are several women-(co-)led Homes for Humanity. The powerful, moving and interactive panel showcased 5 inspiring women leaders – from Africa, Asia, South America, Middle East and Europe. Each of the panelists shared the unique integral approach to social innovation and regeneration of “her” local Home for Humanity, as well as its impact and key learnings. And what was most engaging to witness was the next generation of women leaders who shared their vision alongside each of the panelists.

The panel provided vital insights into the collective planetary vision and work of the Homes for Humanity movement – moderated by Prof. Alexander Schieffer, Co-Founder, Home for Humanity, France, Europe with Paulina Jantos, Humanity Fellow and Programme Director, Home for Humanity Team, Germany, Europe and with Linda Leogah Forkwa, Humanity Fellow, Home for Humanity Team, Cameroon, Africa.

Home for Humanity fellows: Paulina Jantos and Linda Leogah Forkwa.

The panelists included an incredible mix of trans-cultural, inter-generational, and trans-disciplinary women who have all been working towards co-creating positive impact and finding innovative solutions to social, environmental, cultural, and even political dilemmas. The common intention that bound all the panelists were the stories of unity, courage, and harmony. The collective joined intent even though separated by geopolitical borders shone through in the sharing.

Founder Thais Corral and Katie Weintraub, Sinal Do Vale, Brazil

AMERICAS spoke about humanities in harmony with ecosystems by Thais Corral, Founder, Sinal do Vale, Home for Humanity in Brazil, South America, with Katie Weintraub, Communications and Programme Coordinator, Sinal do Vale.

Co-Founder Christina Taranhike and Sipiwe Denhere, Integral Kumusha, Zimbabwe

AFRICA shared the spirit of UBUNTU through Christina Taranhike, Co-Founder, Integral Kumusha, Home for Humanity in Zimbabwe, Southern Africa with Sipiwe Denhere, Field Maintenance Assistant, Integral Kumusha.

Dr. Mayyada Abu-Jaber and Safa Abu Khairan, Jo-Womenomics, Jordan

The MIDDLE EAST driving change with sheer grit was Dr. Mayyada Abu-Jaber, Jo-Womenomics, Home for Humanity in Jordan, with Safa Abu Khairan, Monitoring & Evaluation and Programs Assistant, Jo-Womenomics.

ASIA had Pooja Bhale, Founder of Protecterra Ecological Foundation and “The Farm”, Home for Humanity in India, with Anushka Puranik, student and volunteer at Protecterra, who at her tender age of 17 is already working towards creating a safe home for humanity in the fashion industry. Founder Pooja Bhale and Anushka Puranik, Protecterra, India

Dr. Irena Ateljevic and Tina Ateljevic, Terra Meera, Croatia

EUROPE saw the engaging mother-daughter duo of Dr. Irena Ateljevic, Terra Meera and Regenerate Europe, Home for Humanity in Croatia, with Tina Ateljevic, Co-Initiator, Terra Meera.

The panel was concluded with an Earth Family Video by Tatiana Speed, Musician-Activist and Young Earth Artist, Canada and finally reflections and the closing address by Dr. Rama Mani, India-France, Co-Founder, Home for Humanity and Founder of the Enacting Global Transformation Initiative at the University of Oxford.

All in all, along with the “One Home Journey”, which in itself is a potent vehicle and inspiring invitation for all concerned Earth Citizens to build innovative, sustainable and socially responsible societies and, ultimately, a regenerative world the entire panel of this 18th IRDO International Conference was enriching, empowering and promising.

Pooja Bhale

Founder, Protecterra and The Farm, Pune

Home for Humanity India



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