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Youth For The Future Envoys
are extraordinary, highly motivated young leaders, mobilizing Youth from all countries
to develop their capacities as active Earth Citizens
as we embark, jointly, 
on the One Home Journey, 
and as we enroll, together, 
in the One Home UnivEARTHsity.

New Official ONE HOME JOURNEY Logo (6).png

Youth For The Future Envoys
play a dynamic and impactful role on the One Home Journey:

Voice for Change: As envoys, ambassadors, and representatives for the One Home Journey, they help carry forward the mission of societal and planetary regeneration.

Mobilizer of Communities: Youth for the Future Envoys mobilize youth
—and people of all ages and backgrounds — especially from their home country,
but also beyond, to embark on the One Home Journey. Their leadership inspires others
to develop their capacities as
Earth Citizens and Future Builders
while bringing the unique voice of their home country into our growing planetary community.

Youth Advocate: Youth for the Future Envoys help identify marginalized youth in their country
and beyond who are eligible for the
 Youth for the Future Fellowship,
helping them seize this life-changing opportunity.


Keen to Join this amazing community of Youth For The Future Envoys?

Please share your motivation here:

Short Passion statement:

My Life's Purpose is...

My Vision for the future is...

My commitment is to...

(Link Passion statement to the One Home Journey)

[Max: 70 words]

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